Yup, we have successfully survived the test period and are pleased that many liked our application. Therefore, we would like to tell in a few words about our project to someone who has just started using it.
InstaRocket appeared spontaneously, in the summer of 2017. Initially, this was a continuation of the Likeapp project, an application for automating the process of dating girls. Next, we upgraded the application for commercial use to search and attract the attention of potential customers. It so happened that with the help of InstaRocket you can not only find yourself a pair, but also develop your business.
The service can automatically like, subscribe, unsubscribe and comment on the posts of other Instagram-accounts. What is most popular? If one builds all these actions in order of popularity, it will be like that:
- Subscriptions
- Likes
- Unsubscribe
- Comments
Also with the help of InstaRocket you can prepare posts and plan their publication for a certain time. Plus, we made the possibility of sending messages to the direct mail, especially this feature is praised by online stores, you do not need to type the same message over and over again.
As for the purchase of activities, we offer: subscriptions, likes, comments, views. To all this stuff, you can add one more pleasant opportunity - an autolike, that is, each new post will be promoted automatically. Thus, you can raise your post to the top or recommendations.
InstaRocket users are people who already develop their business or their page through Instagram. All because it is a cheap and effective way to attract potential customers and form your own personal brand. You can quickly and without any special effort form a your page community, that is ready to discuss, buy and advise your product to others.
We have big plans for the development of the service. We want to add search filtering to the target audience by age, gender and interests. We also want to help create the right content for the Instagram account. After all, content is what people need.