What is organic promotion in Instagram?

There are some tools of so called, organic promotion - free actions which will help you to involve a new audience and interact with your current audience more effectively. 

  1. Correct account description

The first thing, which is seen by people at your account, is an information about you. That is why you should describe it in few words, tell what its purpose is and people should follow you. If it is a brand - tell what you sell. If it is a personal blog - tell what it is about.

Moreover, you should make your description as much exciting as possible; a user should be able to distinguish you. Replace “Traveling blog” with “I’ll show you how to travel the world with only 100 dollars in your wallet”.

If you invest in advertising, a user goes to your account but cannot see any description; he simply will not understand what it is about. Your advertising will have low efficiency, the same as your conversion into followers.

  1. Involve your audience

The main you should know is: not all followers can see posts of your account. The algorithm of ranking depends on user activity at the account: If they like and comment your post from the very first minutes after its publishing, it will likely get to the feed of other your followers. Otherwise, it can remain invisible.

Pay your best efforts to make your audience to interact with you post. You may ask some question, offer topics for discussion or use entertaining techniques.

Additionally, do not forget that Instagram is a visual social medium. Before they read the text, people see the picture. And, if it doesn’t able to make them to like it, you will never get that like. Bad, low quality and not interesting images never attract users.

  1. Have a common ground with your audience

In the marketing, it is called “tone of voice” - it is the way to appeal to followers, which is used by brand or blogger. This may be affectionate diminutive expressions or, the opposite, official speech. Followers usually have some expectations about it.

To pick the right “tone”, you should study your target audience. Find the main characteristics of your average follower and describe them in details. You may even find a random photo in the Internet to visualize him and give a name to him. Ok, let he be Andrew, 25-35 years old, he is a clerk with an average income, he has a vacation once a year and so on.

So, when creating a post, apply to your audience as to the guy from the picture. For example, you may use smiles and “Hi, moppets!” for young girls, 25 years old. But, for 55 years old men “Good day!” would be more appropriate.


  1. Create a various content

The better your content is the more likes you get and the more frequently your post will appear in feeds and recommendations.

To make your content various you may publish posts about your product and people of your team, and about that how the product is used in everyday life.

  1. Use Stories

This tool is very popular on Instagram these days. The social medium is interested that users create their content in this section. Unlike posts, stories are shown to all your followers. Moreover, when swiping the feed, a user sees a line with unseen stories from time to time between the posts.

That is why catch the moment and use stories as much as possible.


  1. Create a content-plan with posting time

Study your statistics: May be you can notice that at some time your followers are the most active. So, it is worth to make postings at the exact time.

Remember that it is better not to leave a gap between your posts more than two days. Additionally, don't post every day on one week, and post nothing on the another one. Rare posting throws posts away from the feed. Work over the posts at organic promotion of account is a constant process.

  1. Cooperate with other accounts

Find a blog owner with the same target audience but not competition you, and offer a mutual posting to him or her (don't confuse with advertising at influencers, celebrities and other influencers!).

For example, you make a furniture for kids, and the other account offers cloths for kids. You have the common target audience - moms. You can add links to each other in your posts and tell why your followers should follow that account.

  1. Answer to comments

Even the most stupid and negative comments shall be answered. Moreover, they shall be answered tactfully. It is clear, that the first wish is to answer to a tike in his manner. However, other people (potential customers or followers) will read this conversation. And, they can make wrong conclusions about you. But, maybe you kind words will be a key point for following you for somebody. Additionally, when you answer to comments you involve your followers into the conversation and can evaluate account activity, what also influences to feed ranking.

  1. Use navigations

The hashtags as the separate tool for audience involvement never bring fantastic results. Hundreds of followers never come through them.

However, navigation hashtags are very favorable for your account; they allow users to navigate the posts. A user can click on navigating hashtag and read your posts of a subject, which is interesting to him or her, and maybe even comment something.

Use subject hashtags, but check them no to be high-relevant, otherwise they will lead to thousands of posts everyday.

  1. Create an account of unite style

When processing images for postings use a single filter (not more than two, but similar). Do switch from one filter to another; it may lead to visual incongruity of the content. Many users choose as a priority a style and details of accounts. And, if they like an account they follow it.